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[3] "다행이다" : relief/relieving, I'm glad, It’s a good thing

by scilla 2024. 12. 1.

  • 다행이다 : relief / relieving
  • ~해서 다행이야 : I'm glad
  •  ~하길 잘했어/잘했다/잘했네 : It’s a good thing 

1. 너무 다행이다

That’s (such) a relief. This is such a relief.

That's so(very) relieving. This is so relieving. It's so relieving.

2. 비가 안와서 다행이야.

I’m glad it’s not raining.

3. 너가 여기 있어서 다행이야.

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m glad you’re with me.

4. 도움을 드릴 수 있어서 다행입니다.

I’m glad I can help.

5. 내가 지갑을 챙겨와서 다행이야.

I’m glad I brought my wallet with me. 

6. 내가 그거에 대해서 걔한테 물어보지 않아서 다행이네.

I’m glad I didn’t ask him about that.

7.내가 그거에 대해서 뭐라고 하길 잘했네.

It’s a good thing I said something about that.

8. 우산을 챙겨오길 잘했어.

It’s a good thing I brought my umbrella.

9. 우리 거기 안가길 잘했다.

It’s a good thing we didn’t go there.

10. 일찍 출발하길 잘했다.

It’s a good thing we left early.

11. 먼저 확인해보길 잘했다.

It’s a good thing I checked first.